Carla’s 3-Year Running Streak Started as a Personal Goal and Became Much More

When Carla began her running streak of at least one mile a day, she never imagined she would still be at it more than three years and nine months later. When she realized she could use her running to raise money and awareness for muscular dystrophy, a disease both her grandmother and brother have, she became even more dedicated to the streak and set out to reach new heights.

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On Sweating Safely

Working out is great, but if you’re doing it wrong, your chances of injury skyrocket — and your chances of reaching your goals plummet. In order to see success in your fitness journey, it’s important to understand how to sweat safely (paying attention to physical signs, for example) and what could be holding you back (See: going too hard for too long).

The post On Sweating Safely appeared first on Under Armour.


Paul Threw Out Excuses and Overcame a Lifetime of Health Problems

After a childhood filled with indulgent food and a lack of exercise, Paul accepted the fact that he was meant to be overweight. That is, until the death of his grandmother changed his mentality.

The post Paul Threw Out Excuses and Overcame a Lifetime of Health Problems appeared first on Under Armour.
